How to be okay with being stuck

Is there a right and a wrong way of reaching awareness? How do you let go of the 'goal' and just accept where you are, even if you're standing still? An EkhartYoga member delves deeper...

meditation tips

It’s a common human trait to identify and compare ourselves with others and this can also apply to our meditation and yoga practice. But is there a “right” and a “wrong” way of reaching awareness and consciousness? Should we expect “extra points” from life because of our regular yoga and meditation practice? What if you feel like you’re almost there, and suddenly realise that someone has just doubled the speed of your treadmill and you are tripping on the spot? Is it okay to just be stuck?

What if you feel like you’re almost There, and suddenly realise that someone has just doubled the speed of your treadmill and you’re tripping on the spot?

Before bliss

This is not going to be a revelation article. Not the “and then I suddenly realized…”; “my heart sang when…” or “one hundred ways to…”  type. Don’t get me wrong, I actually read a lot of those articles and many are really good. But the thing is that mostly – at least in my illusion – such pieces of writing come out of a state of bliss and revelation, usually the epiphany within the author speaking out to others. 

Today we are exposed to millions of terabytes of information that greatly influence the way we live our lives – our quest to catch “the moment” being no exception. But how do we stop the phantom concept of “how it should be” from haunting us and dragging our poor minds into a fantasy land where only one road leads to awareness?   

Just beyond reach

To me, the art of the written word is pure magic: reading is a boat that sails you through the emotions of the author and during that journey, you may feel the most intricate shades of the state the author was in when writing. Even if you do not want to know. Even if you do not own a pointed hat and crystal ball. All you have to do is pay attention. 

But the catch is, most of the information on awareness, consciousness and the art of being in the moment is written by people in a state of AFTER. After everything felt lost and stagnant, after the epiphany. So when you read these accounts, you may feel this state is far beyond your reach, a shining beacon of hope that is real and you know is there, but it’s far beyond the waves…

…and to reach this elusive place ‘all’ you need to do is swallow half of that stormy sea, spit out the jellyfish, put some sticky tape on that broken oar, pull yourself together and get your little boat on track. 

The value of Before

But what about BEFORE? What about the ‘how-to-be-when-nothing-is-working’ part? When you meditate, you act, you dream, you follow universally-wise advice, you’re on your ‘yoga way’ but still it feels like you’re getting nowhere? When you feel that nothing is working?

Today we live in a whirlwind. The tornado picks us up and while we are being tossed and turned we get stuffed with all the illusions we can consume. So before we land anywhere near our yellow brick road we are already befuddled by ideals of how everything should be. Somewhere in our mind there is a perfect picture that is fed by a notion of “if you do this – you will get that”.

Somewhere in our mind there is a perfect picture that is fed by a notion of “if you do this – you will get that”.

The heartbreaking and liberating truth is that sometimes it works, but sometimes it just doesn’t. You can meditate your head off and still feel stuck in the same situation and, with all due respect, in some cases only God knows why. And this is okay!

Letting go of control

I once thought that you could “get” how the universe works (hah!). But, sometimes, you will never know why one person disappeared in the jungle and the other miraculously found a way out. It’s just the way it goes.

We cannot harness the ever-changing forces of nature. But we can acknowledge that they ALWAYS change – one sunrise is never like another. All we can do is keep searching for what we truly love. 

We cannot harness the ever-changing forces of nature. But we can acknowledge that they ALWAYS change – one sunrise is never like another.

Until things actually do change, life can be a training ground and sometimes a tough one but know that you do not stand alone. When, finally, you’ve finished swallowing that sea, you will sure as hell run to your beacon at light speed. Be careful not to step on the jellyfish.

Bless what feels broken

EkhartYoga members can practise this meditation which gently guides us into areas where we feel stuck and frustrated, letting life flow…

Meditation with Esther Teule, 20 mins

About the author:

Dasha Petrakova is an amateur yogi with a hint of a Tao background. Currently working in PR and communications, based in Russia. EkhartYoga member and fan for over three years. Loves writing and hopes to inspire those who stumble upon her words along their way.

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EkhartYoga Written by one of the EkhartYoga staff or guest writers. A dedicated team of yoga teachers, yoga students, anatomy geeks, and recipe creators.