Teacher feature – Sandra Carson

To celebrate the launch of her latest Academy course, we caught up with Sandra Carson – EkhartYoga's body-mind-heart expert with a passion for holistic, self-reflective and spiritual practices. Here’s what she had to say!

Sandra Carson

Where are you from?
Born and raised in the Netherlands.

How did yoga come into your life?
First when I was pregnant living in Toronto but when I was living in the USA, I really picked up the practice and deepened my study.

What is yoga to you, right now?
My life is my yoga practice. It is the awareness and discernment of how I feel, align with my deepest self in the smallest things and how to respond and express this.

Why do you teach?
Mostly because I love to share what I know and where I am in my life.

What do you offer to your community, through yoga?
My personal journey mostly I think.

Favourite yoga pose?
I don’t really have one anymore…

Advice to new yogis?
Just do something you enjoy so you keep coming to your mat, And cultivate the outlook that challenges within yourself are part of the yoga path and not to be seen as bad or wrong. You are never wrong.

Advice to new yogis? Do something you enjoy so you keep coming back to your mat. Cultivate the attitude that challenges are part of the yoga path and not to be seen as bad or wrong.

Recommended reading?
“What are You Doing with Your Life?” by J Krishnamurti

Favourite meal?
I am a foodie and love so many different foods and dishes….

What do you do for fun?
Hang out with my favourite people in the world; my family, my friends and my dog, Eddie.

Stranded on an island — what 3 things would you bring?
My iPhone (hahaha!!) for all the podcasts I listen to, my sunglasses & best bikini 😉

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A fairytale princess!

Surprising or little known fact about you?
I am fairly sensitive to conflict and confrontations but l am drawn to very unconventional things, so that proves to be challenging sometimes.

Current projects?
I am researching microdosing plant medicines for trauma healing and spiritual growth and developing an Intimacy course (see below). Simple tools that effectively cultivate and assist in wellbeing and nervous system regulation.

Closing words?
The more challenging times become, the bigger the invitation to stay close to ourselves stay in alignment with our truth, This is why we are here.

Practice with Sandra on EkhartYoga!

Wired for Connection – New Academy course with Sandra!

This 2-hour course has been created to help you understand, befriend and rewire your neural programming and teach you exercises and techniques to enable you to cultivate deeper and more intimate connections with others.
“From being a mirror in which we can see ourselves, to strengthening our physical and mental health, to feeling worthy, empowered, creative and whole, deep connections with others bring us so much. My hope is that you experience that intimacy in relationships doesn’t just ‘happen’ but can be cultivated in conscious ways, and that you learn to love and accept yourself more as you rewrite relationship patterns.” ~ Sandra Carson.

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Anna SugarmanSeeking yogini, inspired yoga teacher trainer, blessed mom, grateful wife, courageous wanderluster, academic goddess, glamorous gypsy, love lover – in awe of life, and passionate about supporting others in optimizing theirs.