Tangled webs - Skandasana practice
Tangled webs - Skandasana practice

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Inspired by Sir Walter Scott's famous quote, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive," this class is a journey through Skandasana - the Spider pose - combined with the philosophical theme of Satya, truthfulness. We start by lying on the floor with some ‘gentle’ opening of the legs and lower back. From there, a squatting series leads into standing poses that weave in variations of Skandasana. We finish with Frog pose and, after this practice, probably a whole new relationship with sensation on the inner thighs!
Some variations are challenging on the knees so be sure to practice personal responsibility and be sensitive to your knees!
Some variations are challenging on the knees so be sure to practice personal responsibility and be sensitive to your knees!