Mindfulness Training

Experience the benefits of mindfulness in this guided course with talks, meditations, mindful yoga, practical exercises and a mindfulness training workbook.

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Week 1 The Beginner's Mind
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 1
Week 1 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Eating meditation
Eating Meditation
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness body scan
Body scan Meditation

Week 2 Mindfulness of breathing and non-striving
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 2
Week 2 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Two modes of mind
Two modes of mind
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness of breathing
Mindfulness of breathing
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness body scan
Mindfulness body scan

Week 3 Staying present
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 3
Week 3 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Mindful yoga Introduction
Mindful Yoga Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Mindful yoga I
Mindful Yoga 1
Video thumbnail for: Breath space
'Breath Space' exercise
Video thumbnail for: Meditation on sounds and thoughts
Meditation on sounds and thoughts

Week 4 Expanding awareness
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 4
Week 4 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness meditation - extended version
Mindfulness Meditation - extended version
Video thumbnail for: Mindful yoga II
Mindful Yoga 2
Video thumbnail for: Breath space
Breath Space

Week 5 Reacting or responding to stress?
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 5
Week 5 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness meditation - extended version
Mindfulness Meditation - extended version
Video thumbnail for: Walking meditation
Walking Meditation
Video thumbnail for: Breath space
Breath Space

Week 6 Gently turning towards the difficult
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 6
Week 6 Introduction
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness meditation - extended version
Mindfulness Meditation - extended version
Video thumbnail for: Gently turning toward the difficult
Gently turning towards...

Week 7 Taking care of yourself
Video thumbnail for: Mindfulness talk Week 7
Introduction Week 7
Video thumbnail for: Befriending Meditation
Befriending meditation

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