Less talk, more reflection 2

The second instalment of a more reflective, intermediate-level class. With hopefully enough instruction to get you into and out of poses and a few transitions, the rest of the class is without David’s normal discourse and is an invitation to go inwards and experience shapes, sensations, thoughts and presence.

This is also a ‘peak pose’ style class with Natarajasana (Dancer's pose) as our destination. Starting with quiet reflection in Virasana, we then transition through a few waves of lunge variations, preparing the shoulders, spine and hip flexors. We eventually reach Dancer’s pose ready to balance and try a different variation at the wall. After a little cool down, counterpose and more quiet reflection, David serenades your Savasana and invites to stay in the introspective space you've cultivated. 

Props needed: a belt and blocks.

Less talk, more reflection 2

Less talk, more reflection 2

media image David Lurey

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