Rhythms of life

Another flow to explore movement and music with a touch of self reflection. This class begins with Sun Salutations to the beat / rhythm of the first track. If you need to alter your breathing, no problem. After the warming sun salutes, a few waves of Vinyasa mobilise the hips, shoulders and spine with some groovy movements and music. If you like the music, please support the musicians by following them or even better, buying their music from various platforms.

For more classes with syncopated movement and breathing, check out David’s Ekhart Academy Course.

Music from: 

Ancient Codes of Meditation - PrinsJan

Aad Guray Nameh - David Lurey & Taz Rashid

Agua Pura - Raio

Synchronicity - Castanea

Back of Doragon - Aki-Ra

Don’t Fight with Life - Praful & Spirited Tribe

O Amado / Radhe Shyam - Brenda McMorrow

Narmada Moonrise - Kashi Kollective

Rhythms of life

Rhythms of life

media image David Lurey

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