7 Days of Yin Yoga

Experience what it is like for your body and mind to practise Yin yoga every day for a whole week.

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Your Classes
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of yin: Hips
Day 1: The Hips
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of Yin: Spine
Day 2: The Spine
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of Yin: Legs
Day 3: The Legs
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of Yin: Upper body
Day 4: Upper Body
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of Yin: Chakras
Day 5: The Chakras
Video thumbnail for: 7 Days of Yin: The breath
Day 6: The Breath
Video thumbnail for: 7 days of Yin: The mind
Day 7: The Mind

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