Revolutionise Your Yoga

Explore new ways of moving to help you connect with your body, revitalise your practice and revolutionise your yoga.


Week 1: Your body, your way
Video thumbnail for: Let your body lead the way
Class 1: Let your body lead the way
Video thumbnail for: Move from softness
Class 2: Move from softness
Video thumbnail for: Feel deeply into your body
Class 3: Feel deeply into your body

Week 2: Intelligent rebellion
Video thumbnail for: Spiral the body
Class 1: Spiral the body
Video thumbnail for: Waving forward folds
Class 2: Waving forward folds
Video thumbnail for: Martial Arts mayhem!
Class 3: Martial Arts mayhem!

Week 3: Mix up your movement
Video thumbnail for: Warrior rising
Class 1: Warrior rising
Video thumbnail for: A new level of strength
Class 2: A new level of strength
Video thumbnail for: Dancing dogs move mindfully
Class 3: Dancing dogs move mindfully

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of your life

Sharing the love of yoga to create
positive change in the world

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