What is Power Yoga?

Sandra Carson talks briefly about Power yoga - what it is and its origins.

Sandra Carson

What is Power Yoga?

The practice of Hatha Yoga knows many different styles and intensity levels. Vinyasa Yoga is a more general term for a dynamic and flowing Yoga practice that within the style, also knows many different intensity levels. The term Power Yoga refers mostly to the level of physical intensity; it is a vigorous practice that can be used as a “work-out.”


Power Yoga originated from the Ashtanga Yoga system and distinguishes from Ashtanga in that it does not stick to a set sequence of asanas (poses). This makes it a creative and diverse practice to do. 


Often Power Yoga will have a focus on a specific part of the body or group of poses and will build up in a progressive sequence, from more basic poses to more advanced ones. One of the effects of Power Yoga on the body is that, because of the dynamic nature of the practice, the muscles warm up quickly. It also increases oxygen intake and the heart rate.

The asanas / poses create muscle tone, which helps to develop strength and stability in the body. Stretching the muscles while contracted make the muscles longer and will help to increase flexibility. Because of the dynamic nature of the practice, the attention moves away from thoughts occupying the head and the mind can settle in a state comparable to meditation. When you practice Power Yoga at your own appropriate level regularly, you will start to notice at least some of these effects within a few weeks.

Interested? Try out my 7 Days Power Yoga Challenge

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Sandra CarsonWith almost two decades of experience studying the body, mind and heart, Sandra has developed a style of teaching that aims to make yoga a holistic, self-reflective, and spiritual practice.