Your practice, your story – Transformation amidst emotional challenge

We asked you, our members, how yoga has helped you overcome challenges or transform your lives. This is the story of a struggling mother who discovered her inner strength...

From struggle to strength

Before finding EkhartYoga, I had only had yoga experience from attending Bikram classes with friends. Years later, my ex-husband and I were raising a family while he attended medical school. Our children were one and three years old when he developed severe anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. He became unable to leave his bed.

I walked a very fine line of being his caretaker, parent to young children, and keeping my own anxiety disorders under control. Most days it was a minute-by-minute battle. I realised I needed to prioritise self-care, both mentally and physically.


Since I didn’t have the time or money to attend yoga classes in a studio, I searched YouTube for an instructor I liked. I found Esther’s wonderful body scan meditation, and joined EkhartYoga immediately after that.

For months, I just focused on the body scan meditation and three of Esther’s classes from the De-Stress Week: Tune-Up and Refresh program. I alternated between the Calm, Steady, and Strong Yin and Yang classes. If I had the energy and time, I did the combination Yin/Yang class.

These classes not only allowed me to stay healthier – mentally and physically – but they also sent me on my path of introspection, growth and understanding myself energetically. As an engineer, from an engineering family, I had no guidance or background in that.

The gift of connection

A few months in, during a Yin class, whilst focusing on breathing, I felt a strong sense of connection from my stomach into my chest. It was deeply beautiful. At the time, I couldn’t make much sense of it, but I felt lighter and happier afterwards. Now, with more experience, I realise the strength and gift of that connection.

The offering of at-home, masterful yoga classes with compassionate teachers undoubtedly allowed me to parent my children, help my ex-husband find his way out of deep anxiety and complete medical school, residency, and fellowship, and find myself as a person and a part of our collective energy.

EkhartYoga allowed me, and continues to help me, to find my path in life – and hopefully bring light and happiness to others along the way. I am deeply grateful.

EkhartYoga allowed me, and continues to help me, to find my path in life – and hopefully bring light and happiness to others along the way. I am deeply grateful.

~ Anonymous, USA

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EkhartYoga Written by one of the EkhartYoga staff or guest writers. A dedicated team of yoga teachers, yoga students, anatomy geeks, and recipe creators.