10 mood-boosting yoga classes

Boost your mood naturally with these uplifting and energizing yoga classes.

Mood-boosting yoga

Enjoy our pick of yoga, movement and meditation classes designed to put a smile on your face. From challenging musical inspired Vinyasa yoga to loving kindness meditations.

1. A Chorus Line with David Lurey

Yoga meets Broadway in David’s ’80’s inspired class. Expect lots of kick-through movements, high kicks and balancing, as well as self-reflection and motivation in this journey towards ONE…singular sensation.

2. Flip the script with Rose van Ooijen

When we’ve been in our habitual movement patterns, postures and chairs for too long the body and mind can become a bit stagnant. This back-bending class from Rose will give you an energy boost and a fresh perspective. Flow and play here with fluid movements and lots of opportunity to open the heart space and shoulders.

3. A quick pick me up! with Sandra Carson

Energy that you need for your day to go smoothly can get blocked in your pelvis and hips. Through some energising standing poses and hip openers, you can start to unlock that energy in your body so it can move upwards. This flow from Sandra also includes some core strengtheners and will leave you full of juice and ready to take on the world!

4. Good vibes flow with Nichi Green

Nichi’s energising Vinyasa yoga class moves fluidly through a sequence that repeats and builds, focusing on Standing Splits to Seated poses, Wild Thing and Side Plank variations. Dynamic and creative – put your favourite music on for this one.

5. The power of gratitude with Esther Ekhart

Gratitude is like a magic potion that has the ability to make us feel happier, healthier, more optimistic and more productive. Spend time in this gentle class to get in touch with feelings of gratitude for yourself, the people around you and life in general. With a meditation, some calming Pranayama to get in touch with yourself and your feelings, some seated poses like Butterfly, twists, a calming forward bend, and an opening backbend. Enjoy the effects that practicing gratitude has on your experience of life.

6. Fun partner sequence for the spine with Afke Reijenga

A fun sequence to do with a partner or friend you’re in lockdown with! Help each other go deeper in a forward bend, try a sweet and funny twist together, then test out your balance(s) with a Tree pose and Warrior 3. Clear away the furniture and be ready to smile!

7. Superwoman flow with Jennilee and Gilda

Tap into your own inner Superwoman with this fun and dynamic practice to honour, respect and embellish the strength and suppleness of the female body (and spirit!). As one member said: “A great start of the week, left me all zingy zangy zongy!”

8. Body tapping yoga with Esther Ekhart

This short body tapping class is great to do as a stand alone exercise to get the energy flowing, or before any other yoga class of your choice. Feel refreshed and release stagnant and stuck energy through tapping all the different body parts. You will feel the sensation of prana / chi buzzing though your system after.

9. Juicy, bouncy flow with Amy Slevin

Enjoy some bouncing in this accessible, mixed movement class with options for different abilities. Featuring some of Amy’s favourite movements, this class is fun and lively with juicy mobility for different parts of the body.

10. Loving Kindness meditation with Tashi Dawa

If you are feeling in the need for love, this is the perfect self-love practice. Tashi offers a lovely short and soft flow which leads into a Metta meditation to support resolve, peace of mind and a loving heart. ‘Metta’ translates as loving kindness. The meditation ends with a short mantra, the words are ‘Lokah Samastah, Sukhinu, Bhavantu’ which is translated as ‘May all beings be happy’. Hope this allows your peace and happiness to blossom and grow.

More mood-boosting yoga classes

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Jenny SavageJenny Savage is part of the EkhartYoga team behind the scenes. She first started yoga at the age of 15 and took her teacher training with Esther Ekhart in 2013. She has a background in Health Psychology, community mental health work, and health and wellbeing research.