Ten Days of Pranayama

This program is designed to help you develop a regular pranayama practice.


Your classes
Video thumbnail for: Full Yogic breath
Full Yogic breath
Video thumbnail for: Ujjayi breathing
Ujjayi breathing
Video thumbnail for: Nadi Shodhana tutorial
Nadi Shodhana tutorial
Video thumbnail for: Visamavriti Pranayama
Visamavriti Pranayama
Video thumbnail for: Shining skull - Kapalabhati breath
Shining skull - Kapalabhati breath
Video thumbnail for: Rest and relax with Viloma Pranayama
Rest and relax with Viloma Pranayama
Video thumbnail for: Brahmari Pranayama: Bumble bee breath
Brahmari Pranayama: Bumble bee breath
Video thumbnail for: The magic of Sital Pranayama
The magic of Sital Pranayama
Video thumbnail for: Release stress with Lion's breath
Release stress with Simhasana - Lion's breath
Video thumbnail for: Nauli Kriya with Agni Sara
Nauli Kriya with Agni Sara

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