The Eight Limbs of Yoga

This program is designed to help you achieve a good grasp of Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga through informative talks, yoga, Pranayama and meditation.


1. Yamas
Video thumbnail for: 5 Yamas
Day 1: An introduction to the Yamas
Video thumbnail for: Class 1: Non-violence
Day 2: Ahimsa
Video thumbnail for: The three warriors: discover your deepest truth
Day 3: Satya
Video thumbnail for: What you long for is what you are
Day 4: Asteya
Video thumbnail for: Choosing wisely
Day 5: Brahmacharya
Video thumbnail for: Non-attachment
Day 6: Aparigraha

2. Niyamas
Video thumbnail for: Short overview of the Niyamas
Day 1: The Niyamas
Video thumbnail for: Cleaning the pipes: twists for physical and energetic health
Day 2: Saucha
Video thumbnail for: Celebrating life
Day 3: Santosha
Video thumbnail for: Tapas flow: be authentic
Day 4: Tapas
Video thumbnail for: Svadhyaya, self-study and knowledge
Day 5: Svadhyaya
Video thumbnail for: Body prayer
Day 6: Isvara Pranidhana

3. Asana
Video thumbnail for: The third limb: Asana
Day 1: Asana
Video thumbnail for: Fundamentals of Yoga: Sthira and Sukha
Day 2: A Sthira and Sukha Vinyasa Flow
Video thumbnail for: Soothe yourself into sitting
Day 3 : A comfortable seat
Video thumbnail for: Balance and relax the body
Day 4: Yoga to balance and relax the body
Video thumbnail for: Continuous flow: Stability and Freedom
Day 5: A continuous flow

4. Pranayama
Video thumbnail for: The fourth limb: Pranayama
Day 1: Pranayama talk
Video thumbnail for: Breathing with sound - Ujjayi
Day 2 : Ujjayi breath
Video thumbnail for: Moving the body to a Ujjayi rhythm
Day 3: Moving the body to Ujjayi
Video thumbnail for: Kapalabhati and Nadi Shodana Pranayama
Day 4: Kapalabhati & Nadi Shodana
Video thumbnail for: De-Stress yourself
Day 5: Breathing ratio 1:2 - gentle yoga
Video thumbnail for: Samavritti equal breath
Day 6: Samavritti

5. Pratyahara
Video thumbnail for: The fifth limb: Pratyahara
Day 1: Pratyahara
Video thumbnail for: Yin yang yoga for a spacious mind
Day 2 : Go deeper
Video thumbnail for: Deep meditation
Day 3: Deep meditation
Video thumbnail for: Yin for peace of mind
Day 4: Observing the thinking mind
Video thumbnail for: Build your inner sanctuary
Day 5: Inner sanctuary

6. Dharana
Video thumbnail for: Practicing one pointed focus - training the mind
Day 1: Dharana
Video thumbnail for: Fundamentals of Yoga: The point of focus
Day 2: The point of focus
Video thumbnail for: Tratak (candle meditation)
Day 3: Gazing
Video thumbnail for: 30 minute balance and breathe
Day 4: Balance and breathe
Video thumbnail for: Balancing your inner and outer focus
Day 5: Inner and outer focus

7. Dhyana
Video thumbnail for: The seventh limb: Dhyana
Day 1 : Dhyana
Video thumbnail for: Regular meditation
Day 2: A regular meditation
Video thumbnail for: Moving into silence
Day 3: Meditation in motion
Video thumbnail for: Yoga yourself to a peaceful mind
Day 4: A peaceful mind
Video thumbnail for: Moving in stillness
Day 5: Moving in stillness

8. Samadhi
Video thumbnail for: Samadhi - completeness in the present moment
Day 1 : What is Samadhi?
Video thumbnail for: Move yourself to freedom
Day 2 : "Goal-less"
Video thumbnail for: Freedom series : Moments of stillness
Day 3: Points of stillness
Video thumbnail for: Guided deep rest mindfulness meditation
Day 4: Dropping into presence
Video thumbnail for: Fundamentals of Yoga: Sense of "I"
Day 5: Sense of 'I'

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